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Design Patterns Interview Questions: In this section, we will see the interview questions related to the various Design Patterns. We will see the question related to Creational, Behavior and Structural Design Patterns etc.

Desing Patterns Questions

Design Patterns Questions 


1. What are design patterns?

2. Can you explain factory pattern?

3. Can you explain abstract factory pattern?

4. Can you explain builder pattern?

5. Can you explain prototype pattern?

6. Can you explain shallow copy and deep copy in prototype patterns?

7. Can you explain singleton pattern?

8. Can you explain command patterns?

9. What is Interpreter pattern?

10. Can you explain iterator pattern?

11. Can you explain mediator pattern?

12. Can you explain memento pattern?

13. Can you explain observer pattern?

14. Where Design Patterns originate?

15. Describe a scenario and what Pattern would you use?

16. Explain in detail any of the original Gof Design Patterns

17. Singleton: How do ensure a Singleton is Threadsafe?

18. What are the benefits of design patterns?

19. In which situation you will use say singleton pattern(any other patterns)?

20. Can you explain bridge pattern?

21. Can you explain composite pattern?

22. Can you explain decorator pattern?

23. Can you explain Façade pattern?

24. Can you explain chain of responsibility (COR)?

25. Can you explain proxy pattern?

26. Can you explain template pattern?

27. Can you explain MVC?

28. What is aspect oriented programming?

29. What is Inversion of control?

30. What is OR mapping?

31. Which are the three main categories of design patterns? There are three basic classifications of patterns Creational, Structural, and Behavioural patterns.

32. What are Creational Design Patterns?

33. What’s the difference between Abstract Factory Pattern and Factory Pattern?

34. What is the Lazy Design Pattern?

35. What is the Singleton Design Pattern?

36. What are Structural Design Patterns?

37. A structural design pattern establishes a relationship between entities. Thus making it easier for different components of an application to interact with each other. Following are some of the commonly known structural patterns:

38. What are the different types of Proxy Patterns?

39. What is a behavioural design pattern?

40. What is the MVC Pattern (Model View Controller Pattern)?

41. What is the Gang of Four Design Pattern?

42. When should design patterns be used?

43. How many design patterns can be created in .NET?

44. What is a software design pattern?

45. Why is the study of patterns important?

46. How do I document a design pattern?

47. What is an example of a design pattern?

48. What is Refactoring?

49. What are Anti-patterns?

50. As we do development in tiers, how do we divide patterns in tiers?

51. What is Intercepting Filter pattern?

52. What is View Helper pattern?

53. What is Service to Worker pattern?

54. What is Dispatcher View pattern?

55. What is Business Delegate pattern?

56. What is Value Object (VO) pattern?

57. What is Session Façade pattern?

58. What is Value Object Assembler pattern?

59. What is Value List Handler pattern?

60. What is Service Locator pattern?

61. What is Data Access Object pattern?

62. What is EJB Command pattern?

63. What is Version Number pattern?

64. What all patterns are used to improve performance and scalability of the application?

65. What design patterns could be used to manage security?

66. How can we implement singleton pattern in .NET?

67. How do you implement prototype pattern in .NET?

68. What are the situations you will use a Web Service and Remoting in projects?

69. Can you give a practical implementation of FAÇADE patterns?

70. How can we implement observer pattern in .NET?

71. What is three tier architecture?

72. Have you ever worked with Microsoft Application Blocks, if yes then which?

73. What is Service Oriented architecture?

74. What is Windows DNA architecture?


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