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HTML5/CSS3 Interview Questions: Wewill provide the interview questions related to the HTML 5 and CSS 3 under this sectionof the website.Wewill see the new elements supporitng the HTML 5, what all the thinks available under the latest version of HTML. Alsowe will see the new features of the stylesheet and their implementation in the applications.

HTML5 Interview Questions

1What is the relationship between SGML, HTML , XML and HTML ?

2.What is HTML 5?

3.In HTML 5 we do not need DTD why?

4.If I do not put <! DOCTYPE html> will HTML 5 work?

5.Which browsers support HTML 5?

6.How is the page structure of HTML 5 different from HTML 4 or

previous HTML?

7.What is datalist in HTML 5 ?

8.What are the different new form element types in HTML 5?

9.What is output element in HTML 5?

10.What is SVG?

11.What is canvas in HTML 5?

12.So how can we draw a simple line on Canvas?

13.Define the canvas area

14.What is the difference between Canvas and SVG graphics?

15.How to draw rectangle using Canvas and SVG using HTML 5 ?

16.What are selectors in CSS?

17.How can you apply CSS style using ID value?

18.What is the use of column layout in CSS?

19.What are web workers and why do we need them ?

20.What are the restrictions of Web Worker thread ?

21.Why do we need HTML 5 server-sent events?

22.What is local storage concept in HTML 5?

23.How can we add and remove data from local storage?

24.What is the difference between local storage and cookies?

25.Is WebSQL a part of HTML 5 specification?

26.What is application cache in HTML5?

27.So how do we implement application cache in HTML 5 ?

CSS3 Interview Questions

1.What are the advantages to users because of CSS3 modularized capability?

2.What is the use of Indirect Adjacent combinator in CSS3?

3.How do you manage the complete site in center of the browser, which is completely using divs using the help of css2 or css3?

4.What is Selectors in CSS3?

5.What are the values that can be taken by text-wrap of CSS3?

6.What are the advantages achieved by using CSS3?

7.What are the basic categories of selectors in CSS3?

8.What are the powerful features of CSS3?

9.What are the properties Associated with CSS3 Multi-Column Feature?

10.What is Opacity in CSS3?

11.What is the other name of combined selector in CSS3 and what is it used for?

12.How is multiple background images handled in CSS3?

13.What is wrapping in CSS3?

14.How is Multi-Column feature used in CSS3?

15.What is the syntax of Opacity in CSS3?

16.What is the syntax of Word Wrap in CSS3?

17.How is white-space Property of CSS3 used?

18.How flexibility is achieved more in CSS3?

19.What is the notation of selectors in CSS3?

20.What are the first three values of text-shadow in order?

21.Which feature will activate a media query when the browser is less than or equal to the width specified?

22.How would you declare a media query to fit an iPhone?

23.What two ways can you use CSS3 media queries?

24.What will happen if the pause property is used as follows?

    h2 { pause: 40s 60s }

25.What is the initial value of the animation-iteration-count property?

26.Which of the following is the initial value for the column-fill property?

27.Which animation uses @keyframes and pixels?

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