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Online Support

This page contains the information related to the online support on various Microsoft technologies.

We are involved in online teaching and project support by using the latest tools. The project support will be done for the

employees who are already working in some companies and if they need any help from the experts to get their task to be done

or if they need for the better understanding of existing projects at their work location. We provide support for the projects by

taking the employee's system control and explain them about their issues to get resolved. For this, we charge the nominal fee

which is based on the hourly basis.


Please fill the below form and write the details about the support you need.

Contact Us
Pawan Awasthi
Call Us:
Mobile : +60  0143651476
WhatsApp: +91 89229 98977

Thaks for sending your details..We will get back to you shortly.

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